Locate a mental health counselor by specialty, location, or name
AMCAP’s directory is a database of our members who are local and international mental health professionals. AMCAP members have agreed to support the purposes and ethical guidelines of AMCAP as stated in the organization’s Bylaws. AMCAP is a non-profit organization that is not officially affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but that is guided by its doctrine and practices. Some counselors listed here may be friendly to, but not affiliated with, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. AMCAP makes no claims or warranties regarding any counselor’s particular abilities, training or suitability for your particular needs or circumstances. Before engaging a counselor, you should interview the counselor and make whatever investigation is appropriate into the counselor’s qualifications and suitability for your particular situation. Â
Portland, Maine 04101
Mesa 85204
Suite 180
Annapolis, MD, USA 21401
Westlake Village 91362
Lafayette 94549
Mesa 85206
Mesa 85206
Mesa 85209
Mesa Arizona, 85209
Mesa 85209
Provo 84604
Logan 84321
Bountiful 84010
5230 2nd Street
Rocklin 95677
Spokane 99204
Kirkwall 151