Jessica Holfeltz
Hello, I am so glad you found me. Navigating sexual health, intimacy, and connection can be a complicated, yet meaningful process. I work with a broad range of sexual issues, including out of control sexual behavior/sexual addiction, post cancer-sex, erectile dysfunction, rapid/early ejaculation, vaginismus/dysperunia, safe sex, infidelity, loss of desire, gap in desire, kink/BDSM, LGBTQ+, polyamory, pornography concerns, and resolving conflict between spirituality and sexuality. In addition, I educate parents regarding how to create shame-free conversations with their children about sex.
I also work with couples to repair and help the support them in creating deeper, intimacy and connection. Utilizing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as well as intermingling Psychodrama and parts work, and mindfulness to support clients in their healing journey.