Sheri Morris

Practice Name
Sheri Morris Family Therapy

Business Bio
 I understand first hand the many challenges that individuals, couples, and parents face as they attempt to juggle their responsibilities while trying to stay emotionally whole and balanced. I offer so much more than just a listening ear. I offer my clients life changing guidance as we work together to find solutions and to unwrap past and present trauma. 
Your journey is important and mental health counseling will help you and your family to move forward towards greater happiness.
As a therapist, I bring to my clients years of personal and professional experience. My education includes a masters in education and a masters in marriage and family therapy. I have also received training in Parts and Memory as well as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) which is considered the gold standard in therapy.
You don't have to struggle alone. Let my experience benefit you.
I am currently accepting clients who live in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and South Carolina.
All of my sessions are conducted via telehealth. No fighting traffic or climbing up stairs.
To learn more about me please visit or

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Sheri Morris