Sheila Hudson, R.Psych.

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Sheila Hudson, R.Psych.

Phone Number
College of Alberta Psychologists #4899


Business Address
301 131 First Avenue
Spruce Grove, AB


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Practice Name
Aspire Counselling and Psychology

Business Bio
Life is messy. That's all there is to it. Sometimes the mess is manageable...even beautiful. But sometimes, as Dr. Suess says, the mess is "so big and so deep and so tall" you have absolutely no idea where to start the process of sorting it out. It is particularly challenging when the tangled mess involves difficult thoughts, big feelings, and important relationships. All of us need some help sorting things out sometimes. If you are ready to sort through this kind of mess, but need help figuring out how to do that, I can help.
I am licensed to work with clients in the province of Alberta.  Three fundamental beliefs guide my work. First, I believe that you are capable of managing your challenges. Second, I believe that you're worth the effort it takes to figure out how to do that. Third, I believe the work we do together can make you stronger, wiser, and more resilient. I have training in several therapeutic methods that guide my practice, including CBT, EMDR, Accelerated Resolution Therapy, and the Gottman Method.
I know that in order to help you, I need to understand your situation. I'm willing to listen to you and check-in to make sure I understand your perspective. I'm going to ask you some tough questions, and I'm going to ask you to do hard things, but I'm going to work hard with you. If you are willing to put some effort into this, so am I. We've got this!

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Sheila Hudson, R.Psych.