LuAnn Oliver
Arlington, VA 22203
Practice Name Heartswell
My background as a couples therapist
Embracing the inherent vulnerability that is in all of us and acting as an instrument of healing is my passion. It is how I feel deeply connected to others. I am humbled and honored each time a couple or individual shares their story with me and invites me into the sacred space within their heart. It’s my honor and pleasure to help clients unearth the hidden elements of their challenges in a way that can help them reframe how they perceive and experience themselves, their partners, and the world around them.
I’ve come to discover that my love language is vulnerability (even though it isn’t one of the five infamous love languages). Being present to and witnessing change and recovery, no matter how slight or great, it is a rich experience for me. This is the reason that I am so drawn to deeper and more experiential models of therapy.
How I Approach the Healing Process
Although I am technically a social worker and psychotherapist, I also consider myself an instrument of spiritual healing—a process consultant for mending broken hearts and overcoming internal suffering. The intimacy of the therapist/client relationship and the resulting communication, love, and trust are qualities that really resonate within me. As a result, I feel compelled to build communities that promote healing and offer new perspectives and ways of being.
That’s why I set out to create Heartswell.
Helping individuals deal with the devastating impact of depression, anxiety, and trauma has always been tremendously rewarding work. But it wasn’t until I explored couples therapy that I really found my calling. I suppose I was attracted to the challenging dynamic of working with two unique individuals to create balance and understanding. Then again, perhaps it was my own experience of seeing so many lifeless yet committed relationships that could have benefited from assistance.
My Work as a Couples Therapist
When I discovered Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) in 2006, something came alive in me. It was both revealing and relieving to discover that the root cause of much of our ineffective strategies in relationships had a source not too far under the surface. And that if we slow down and pay attention we can awaken that core and restore it.
My experience is also personal in that my own relationship with my husband has been nourished and strengthened through therapy. I say this because I don’t want you to let embarrassment or fear prevent you from exposing your own vulnerability and facing your challenges. My own experience has only fortified my resolve and belief that therapy can act as a powerful source of growth and discovery for both individuals and couples alike.
We are remarkable creatures that thrive on connection and can flourish amid adversity, but that can only happen when there are clarity and understanding. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy can help you uncover the true source of your suffering or relationship issues. We can take any sad, distressing parts of yourself or relationship and transform them into a source of insight and strength. Whether you are looking to enhance your relationship or are seeking help for overcoming challenges to your success and happiness, I would love to help.
My Lighter Side
I also like to have fun. I have a creative engaged presence that allows me to be both deeply intimate and playful at the same time. So you don’t have to worry about it being heavy all the time. I aim to be an accepting, loyal, and honest individual that can be an impartial ally and source of compassionate support.
When I am not following up on the latest trends and research in psychotherapy, I enjoy spending time with my wonderful kids and husband. Although I am sort of a city girl who loves the intensity of NYC, I also revel in the sanctity of nature. I love hiking, camping, running, cycling, yoga—anything that makes me feel alive. I also love anything that has to do with water, this marvelous part of nature that is invigorating to play in and delicious to drink. I delight in its pure and simple, yet refreshing qualities.
Following in line with my desire to build communities of healing, I am also very active in my neighborhood and church fellowships. Spirituality has always been a key aspect of my personal life and healing work. At my center, I believe that psychotherapy and spirituality can work in tandem to help individuals find a new way of living that is lighter, freer, and more fulfilling.
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LuAnn Oliver