-Date: April 2, 2021
-Time: 9-12, break from 12-1, resume conference from 1-4 (MST).  This time will include roughly 4.5 hours of pre-recorded material, followed up by a 1.5 hour live update and a Q&A period. 
-6 CEU credit hours -Location: online home study via Zoom 
-Quiz will be available online after the presentation, must pass with 70% to receive a certificate of completion. (will have 2 attempts) 
-Registration will be limited to 100 participants

-Approved by the NASW and APA

An e-mail with the Zoom link will be sent to you the week of the presentation. After the completion of the conference you will be able to access the quiz via a link provided in the same e-mail.

The Interpersonal Model for Suicidality (Joiner) presented by Jeff Case, Ph.D

After Enrollment, click on the course above.

$ 120
$ 80
$ 20